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  • Kevin

Book Review: What Love is This?

Dave Hunt's What Love is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God is a very thorough but easy to read treatise on the subject of Calvinism. I read it a few years ago, and author Dave Hunt does an excellent job examining the life of John Calvin (a murderer by the way), before diving into the various contradictory beliefs of Calvinism by using ample quotes to highlight the numerous fatal flaws in this deterministic theological position.

In short, I highly recommend this book and think this should be read by everyone interested in this subject. Calvinism is a dangerous belief that -- as Dave Hunt says -- does violence to the clear teachings of Scripture.

Here's a quote from the book:

We have heard Jesus call out to whosoever was weary, burdened or thirsty, “Come unto me.” We have heard our Lord repeatedly declare that whosoever would believe on Him would be saved. And we have seen the many scriptures which offer salvation to the whole world and declare that God wants all mankind to be saved, that He gave His Son for the salvation of the whole world, that He is not willing that any should perish, and that Christ died for the sins of all.

To annul this clear teaching of Scripture, the Calvinist changes “world” to “elect” in twenty scriptures. He changes “whosoever” and “all” into “elect” at least sixteen times each. In addition, he turns the phrase “every man” into “elect” six times and “everyone” into “elect” three times. In no case is there anything in the text to justify substituting “elect.” The change has been made for one reason only: to support Calvinism! Thus, when Christ says He would draw “all men” to Himself (John 12:32), the Calvinist claims, “The ‘all’ plainly refers to all of God’s elect.” Plainly? Only if one is a Calvinist.

The truth is that we, as humans, have been sovereignly decreed by God to have free will, and to be able to respond to the gospel. This is plain throughout the entire Bible as God constantly calls us to turn to Him.

Matthew 28:19-20 "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."


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