This post is just to talk about the censorship that Titus Ministries is experiencing on Instagram. We went from having 10-20 "likes" per post and about 20 views per story, to only 1-3 "likes" per post and only about 2 views per story. We didn't really expect this since we are a new, small ministry, but people have been unable to see our posts and Bible study schedules so it's a bit unfortunate. It's also unclear why the censorship is occurring or whether this is specifically targeted against Christian accounts or based off the use of certain hashtags like #ProLife, #StayFree, #RecallGavinNewsom, #ReopenCalifornia, or others.
Please turn on "Post Notifications" for our account, otherwise you will not see the posts.
However, this past Saturday we studied the book of Haggai, and the Lord's encouragement to Zerubbabel to keep building the Temple in spite of all the opposition they faced. The point is, it is our job and our privilege to serve Almighty God no matter gets in our way. So we will continue to do that!
We will take a break from Instagram for a few days and see if that "clears up" the shadow ban, but in the mean time we will continue to post here at and produce Podcasts! Please contact us if you'd like to attend one of our Bible studies because the Church MUST gather!
